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Purfurvid Cats
Policies, Guarantees, Shipping, etc.

Policies & Agreements

We require personal references before considering the sale of any of our kittens or cats and we reserve the right to refuse sale of any of our kittens or cats at any time.

We do not ship cats/kittens sold as companion pets. Pet cats/kittens must be picked up by the new owner in person. Kittens/cats sold to legitimate cat fanciers for breeding and show can be shipped (See Shipping below).

$500 (US) or 50% of the sales price, which ever is the lessor, is required as deposit to hold any cat/kitten offered for sale for breeding or show . A non-refundable deposit of $60 is required to reserve any cat/kitten offered for sale as a companion pet only. No cat/kitten will be held by the seller for the buyer, after receipt of the deposit, for more than 3 weeks when the kitten is already old enough to leave or be shipped. Pet kittens are old enough to leave at 12 weeks of age and breeder/show kittens are old enough to ship at 4 months of age. On a show/breeder cat/kitten, 50% of the deposit is refundable if the buyer should change his/her mind within 5 days of seller's receipt of the deposit. Deposits are otherwise non-refundable, unless the seller should change her mind about selling the cat/kitten, in which case, 100% of the deposit would be refunded. Payment in full is required prior to the cat/kitten leaving the seller's home. Balances paid less than 3 weeks before the day of pick up must be in cash.

No cat/kitten obtained from us shall be resold or placed in a new home without approval.

As part of the sales agreement, the Buyer agrees to provide responsible care for the cat/kitten as follows: (1) correct grooming and bathing, (2) all needed veterinary care, (3) protection from possible hazards such as dogs, small children, household chemicals, etc. (4) an environment free of parasites, and (5) under no circumstances allow the cat/kitten to freely roam outdoors .


Please be aware that a cat is a living, breathing creature like yourself, and as such can not be guaranteed to never become ill. Illness, unfortunately, is a possibility in life. Every cat is subject to disease and the exotic/persian breed, in particular, is known to sometimes fall victim to disease, particularly those effecting the kidneys and heart. As a responsible breeder we strive to identify and remove these inherited problems. However, definitive testing for these diseases is not always accurate or available. As part of our commitment to our buyers we guarantee our kittens against inheritable diseases. If tests performed within the first two years of the cats life prove that an inheritable disease exists in a cat obtained from us (written veterinary diagnosis and test results required), a replacement of the Seller's choosing will be offered.

We guarantee our cats free from Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLv) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). If blood work from the initial veterinary examination confirms that either virus is present (copy of test results required), a complete refund of the purchase price will be given upon return of the cat to us.

Due to the current status of the FIP and the FIV vaccinations, we highly recommend that our kittens/cats NOT be vaccinated with them. And if given, be administered well after the kitten is established within its new home and well after all other vaccinations have been given. Be aware that all guarantees regarding FeLV and FIV will be null and void if the FIP, FIV or FeLV vaccinations have been administered. Be aware that at this time FIP is still being studied. It is felt that it may mutate from the common Corona virus for which there is no vaccination. We do take steps to minimize Corona infection, however, there is no way to prevent FIP or provide any guarantee with regard to the Corona virus or FIP.

We guarantee that our cats/kittens are free of disease, to the best of our knowledge, at the time of sale. *The Buyer has three (3) calendar days, from the date the Buyer receives the cat/kitten, to obtain veterinary confirmation of health. At that time, should the licensed veterinarian diagnose, through this initial examination and/or testing, disease, other than stress related minor upper-respiratory infection, the Buyer shall have the option to either: 1) return the cat/kitten immediately for full refund of the purchase price, or 2) receive compensation for veterinarian prescribed medications and follow-up office visits resulting from the initial diagnosed illness, up to the amount of $75.00 (US) (written veterinary diagnosis and receipts required). Otherwise, the cat/kitten is sold as-is, no other guarantees regarding the physiological development, or otherwise, are expressed or implied if no other guarantees have been agreed upon, between the Seller and the Buyer, in writing and documented within the sales contract.


Kittens/cats sold for show/breeding can be shipped domestically or internationally. Be aware that no kitten can be shipped before 4 months of age.

The Buyer is responsible for the cost of shipping, health certificate, and airline approved carrier which totals approximately $250 within the continental United States.

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Jeanne works full time as a web developer creating browser based data-driven web applications.
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