GC, RW Purfurvid
Doc Martins
Black male
Photo © 1997 Carl J. Widmer
CH Astrogato's Bakke of Rah
0108-008167, black
Connaught Mickey-D, DM
0108-118256, black
| |
| Connaught Sheena
| 0147-012254, tortoiseshell
GRC Connaught McPunk'n of Purfurvid
0140-501602, non-agouti red tabby
| |
| | GRC RW Cambria Mr. Peepers, DM
| | 0110-078923, red
| | |
| GRC Connaught Peeper Sleeper
| 0141-305325, red tabby
| |
| Catsmartin Connemara of Connaught
| 0151-245170, bluecream
GRC RW Purfurvid Doc Martins
| Bardee's Checkmate
| 0114-285842, cream
| |
| Wynmar's Odie of Marhei
| 0110-550899, red
| | |
| | CH Wynmar Wind Song
| | 0147-357733, tortoiseshell
| |
Shimea Gayder Bayte of Purfurvid
0151-1037367, bluecream
| GRC Pajean's Tuxedo of Honeychild
| 0190-447353, black & white
| |
CH Pajean's Crocodile Rock, 0151-630508
Shimea Creamette of Pajean
0115-455690, cream
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