Purfurvid Home

Pedigree of:

CH Purfurvid
Kid Rock

Brown Tabby
Exotic Shorthair male

               CH Corsica's Illusive, 7708-1051696
               Oct/17/1995, black
          Corsica's Comes A Runnin, 7708-1051696
          Dec/18/1997, red tabby & white bicolor
          |    |
          |    Corsica's Chloe, 7749-1118902
          |    Aug/27/1996, calico
     CH Corsica's Cornelius, 7708-1257264
     Feb/27/1999, black
     |    |
     |    |    CH Ronomere Jungle of Macguss
     |    |    7744-1092859, May/17/1996
     |    |    brown tabby
     |    |    |
     |    Corsica's Maude, 7747-1148399, May/27/1997
     |    tortoiseshell
     |         |
     |         CH Corsica's Peppermint Patti
     |         7711-961567, Oct/27/1994, red
CH Corsica's Lit of Purfurvid, 7740M-1328252
Jun/27/2000, red mac tabby
|    |
|    |         Corsica's Batman, 7708-922227
|    |         Feb/09/1994, black
|    |         |
|    |    CH Corsica's Mr Peepers of Uptop
|    |    7740-1094789, Aug/08/1996, red tabby
|    |    |    |
|    |    |    GC Corsica's Alia of Grandaries
|    |    |    7741M-806630, Sep/14/1992
|    |    |    red mac tabby
|    |    |
|    Becton's Patty Cake of Corsica, 7751-1223530
|    May/01/1998, bluecream
|         |
|         |    GC Del Adene J'Bustopher Brown, DM
|         |    7744-989219, Jul/21/1994, brown tabby
|         |    |
|         GC Becton's Little Polly Flinders
|         7753-1135209, Mar/14/1997, blue tabby
|              |
|              GC,RW Becton's Forget Me Knot of Profecii
|              7787-1012110, Jul/09/1995
|              brown patched tabby
CH Purfurvid Kid Rock

| | GRC Polcann's Mr. Cupid | 1106-885746, blue & white bicolor | | | Polcann's Chips-A-Hoy | 0144-1002282, brown tabby | | | | | GRC Polcann's Rock-A-Bye Baby | | 1145-789790 | | | GRC Kat-Knapurr's Blue Den'Knim | 0152-1127736, blue tabby | | | | | | CH Highlite's Lionheart | | | 0110-875870, red | | | | | | Highlite's Blu-Genie of Kat-Knapurr | | 0151-1027083, bluecream | | | | | Highlite's Mini Blackout | | 0109-991756, black | | TouchOHeaven's MegKenzie of Purfurvid 0145-1202251, brown tabby | | Catnippity's Cause For Alarm | 0144-347383, brown tabby | | | GRC Highlite's Cause For Celebration | 0144-977689, brown tabby | | | | | Highlite's Scandelous | | 0145-936340, brown tabby | | CH Kat-Knapurr's Pinch-of-Knutmeg 1145-1084702, brown patched tabby | | Penhill Kudos Of Highlite | 0114-616781, cream | | Highlite's Autumn Leaf of Kat-Knapurr 0147-1044315, tortie | Highlite's Chocolate 1145-936310, brown patched tabby

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